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您當前所在位置 首頁>>新聞動態(tài)>>公司動態(tài)軍事模型零件的拆卸方式有哪些?


發(fā)布時間:2020-12-18 來源:http://m.zaiguo.cn/

1.  很簡單,直接掰下來就是。

It's very simple. Just break it off.


The key here is: don't try to repair the part that has been melted and deformed by glue.

這樣有可能適得其反,造成越修變形越厲害。  其實只要把已經(jīng)分開的部件丟一邊就可以了(如底圖的樣子)。等待1天左右膠水完全固化以后,再進行多余部分的切除和變形部分的整修工作。這樣做的效果比較好。

This may backfire, resulting in more severe deformation. In fact, just throw away the separated parts (as shown in the bottom picture). Wait for about 1 day after the glue is completely solidified, and then carry out the removal of the surplus part and the renovation of the deformed part. The effect of this is better.


2. Cutting / breaking off


如果膠水已經(jīng)固化,那直接掰除會有一定的風險,可能造成零件的變形乃于破損。這種情況,好能用筆刀先沿著零件粘合部位切出一道縫來,然后慢慢掰。  這時候要時刻注意零件的變形情況,一旦出現(xiàn)零件變形的征兆,必須立刻停止,換用以下的法子  3.冷凍法

If the glue has solidified, there will be a certain risk of breaking off directly, which may cause deformation or even damage of parts. In this case, it is best to use a penknife to cut a seam along the bonding part of the part, and then break it slowly. At this time, we should always pay attention to the deformation of the parts. Once there is a sign of deformation of the parts, we must stop immediately and use the following ultimate method. 3. Freezing method


Sometimes the bonded model parts do not have the conditions of cutting / breaking off, or it is difficult to use force. Then, we will have to help us solve this problem with the help of a physical principle we learned in middle school, "thermal expansion and cold contraction".

水煮開冷卻到50-70度【注意零件厚度控制水溫,別整變形了】放進去等熱了 丟冰箱速凍室。膠水粘合處自然會崩開  。

Boil the water and cool it to 50-70 ℃ [pay attention to the thickness of the parts, control the water temperature, don't deform] put it into the freezer and throw it into the quick freezing room. The glue will crack naturally.


The model is put into the quick freezing room of the refrigerator for several hours. Due to the thermal expansion and cold contraction, there are tiny cracks between the parts, which often appear at the joints between the parts. So, this is a good opportunity for us to break them off.


4. What if the freezing method doesn't work?


First of all, basically 99% of the parts can be broken off by "freezing method". If this is not possible, we can only hope to break them down and repair them.

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