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發(fā)布時間:2022-05-15 來源:http://m.zaiguo.cn/

Standard aircraft model manufacturers will choose expensive high-grade coatings in model production to ensure that the quality of products is guaranteed. Even after more than ten years, the models are not easy to turn yellow and fade for decades. So what is the quality judgment method of aircraft model?
The appearance is easy to turn yellow and fade
Regular customized aircraft manufacturers will use more expensive high-grade paint in model production, so the aircraft produced will not be prone to yellowing, fading and other fading phenomena even if they are stored for a long time. At first, the models produced by small aircraft manufacturers do not look much different from those produced by large manufacturers, but they will gradually turn yellow and fade in half a year to a year. Therefore, some manufacturers will reduce prices.
Wing, engine and other parts are easy to break
Some small model manufacturers and informal production enterprises are limited by the production process. In order to save costs, they choose inferior production materials. The wing, starter and other components of the later model are very easy to break and fall off during transportation. Especially in the case of small batch, the loss rate in express transportation is sometimes as high as more than 70%.
There used to be many retailers of such models on the Internet, selling the products of these manufacturers at low prices. However, due to the high loss rate of shipments and the high rate of defective products, most businesses will lose interest in this business after selling for a period of time and resign or change their careers with confidence.
The appearance is not smooth and there are many impurities
Large aircraft model manufacturers remind you that the aircraft models produced by regular manufacturers are made of resin, and many processes need to be completed manually. However, some small manufacturers blindly pursue output in order to save costs and reduce prices, and lack the necessary quality inspection process.
After the finished product model is made, there will be defective products more or less, which greatly affects the quality of the product. For model dealers, although the purchase price may be relatively low, such a high defective rate can not reduce the sales price, but let the model dealers fall into a vicious circle.
Jinan Quanyi machinery technology is engaged in the development, design, production and sales of large models. If you need it, please pay attention to our website www.jnyhrs.com Com for consultation, you can come here for on-the-spot investigation.
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