


熱門搜索:軍事模型 航天模型 飛機(jī)模型 坦克模型 變形金剛模型 鋼雕模型
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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2022-05-28 來(lái)源:http://m.zaiguo.cn/

Most of the friends who are interested in Aerospace will collect and collect some aircraft and other models in their spare time life. They will have a lot of considerations about the selection of materials for similar models, what materials to make, stability and functions. Now let's analyze the space model equal scale production and material selection.
There are numerous large and small enterprises engaged in aerospace model production in China, but how should we choose materials when choosing aerospace model production? Space models must not be made carelessly. More importantly, when choosing materials, we must understand the materials. In this way, we can choose the appropriate materials.
The materials for making Aerospace models are generally divided into domestic materials and imported materials. Although the materials used before processing into good materials are similar, the processes and technologies used in the processing are different. After being used on the space model, the effect is completely different. It's like we use domestic materials, which are inferior to foreign materials in terms of material, quality or service life.
Of course, this is just a simple example. Although some domestic products are still up to international standards, we still need to do so. I believe we still have gaps in some areas.
The large-scale aerospace model is a scale model made strictly in accordance with the shape, structure, color and even interior parts of the aircraft. Because once the proportion of a part is different, the model is well made because it truly reproduces the main characteristics of the original ship. It contains Aerospace culture and has high collection value.
The model in everyone's mind is fine and meticulous, but it is just the stacking and assembling of countless parts. As long as you have a little patience, anyone can put it together. What's the difficulty; The assembled model can't be put into the water. It can only be placed at home as a plaything for the rich to spend their time. Xiaobian will tell you today that the space model is far from so simple.
Let's not mention how difficult it is to glue, color supplement, trim and splicing of small precision parts in the process of installing the model. What if we want to make a model? And with some actual performance? To make professional models, it is necessary to reduce the hull model according to a certain scale according to the hull value table and hull line diagram. It is an important tool for predicting the navigation performance of real ships and assisting aerospace scientific research and teaching.
For communication and equipment manufacturers, how to quickly bring their products to the market is to let more people know about the products, and participating in the exhibition is a very effective way; It can enable more people to have a certain understanding of large space models. Because many devices have large volume and mass, it is necessary to make models to replace these devices for exhibition. However, it should be noted that all the displayed items should be reduced when the scale is reduced. Otherwise, there will be scale confusion, resulting in model distortion.
In addition, for enterprises, it can also be used to show the strength of the company, so as to improve the competitiveness of the company in the competition, and to show the strong strength of the enterprise through the display of aerospace equipment. You can visit our website at www.quanyimoxing Www. 68mn. Com for relevant information, or contact us for on-the-spot investigation. We can meet your needs!
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