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發(fā)布時間:2022-07-01 來源:http://m.zaiguo.cn/

There are many large and small enterprises producing tank models in China, but how do we choose materials when we choose to produce tank models? This is very important. Of course, some details need to be understood more.
Tank models are used to make large models. The tank model cannot be made carelessly. More importantly, in the selection of materials, we must understand the materials when selecting materials, so as to select the appropriate materials.
The materials for making tank models are generally divided into domestic materials and imported materials. Although the materials used before processing into good materials are similar, the processes and technologies used in the processing process are still different. The effect of using it on the tank model is completely different.
It's like we use domestic materials, which are inferior to foreign materials in terms of material, quality or service life. Of course, this is just a simple example. Although some domestic products still have international standards, we still need to do so. I believe we still have gaps in some aspects.
In addition, large tank model manufacturers believe that the model frame is built according to the drawings of the building. According to the established proportion, the walls of each facade are made by hand or computer engraving machine, and then spliced together. The choice of color and texture is the key part.
Some units like to use computer renderings to make announcements, but this is one-sided and easy to lose feeling. The color of the computer effect drawing is a continuous light shadow relationship, which changes constantly. The first part selected is only reasonable in the computer effect drawing. Because the shading texture on the model is completely different from that in computer rendering, the reverse principle of light is also different.
Through the above article, you can clearly understand the content of the problem. I believe that after reading this article, you can have a deeper understanding of this product. If you want to learn more in the future, you can continue to follow our official website http://m.zaiguo.cn , please feel free to contact us if necessary.
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