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發(fā)布時間:2022-09-05 來源:http://m.zaiguo.cn/

During the use of aviation model making, sometimes there is no response to power on, especially after thunderstorms in summer. Why this problem occurs is explained by large aviation model making companies below.
We need to know the principle of aviation model making. In the process of aviation model making, the aviation model company installed dozens of motors, large and small, inside the aviation model making. Then the aviation model company added external electrical control boxes, so that the aviation model making began to cycle according to the set movement mode after it was powered on.
If it is found that the aviation model making model is not powered on, it is sufficient to check whether the external circuit is smooth first, and then troubleshoot the internal fault. According to the use of the aviation model making for many years, if the surface of the aviation model making is not damaged, resulting in water entering from the interior and burning the motor, the aviation model company will prompt that the failure of the aviation model making to power on must be the problem of the electrical control box.
There are circuit boards, control chipsets and other components inside the electrical control box for aviation model making. The aviation model company introduced that in summer, the air humidity is high, and it is easy to be affected by moisture, even lightning strikes, so the aviation model making is still powered on. The aviation model company suggested that you use a multimeter to test whether the circuit board has 12V or 24V current, then see whether each indicator light is on, and then listen to whether the relay works normally, If it works normally, there will be noise.
The aviation model company suggests that the complementary color of the aviation model can be painted on it with paint, then gently wiped with a brush, and combined with the surrounding colors as much as possible. The effect of this repair is very good.
If the production of large-scale aviation models needs to be renovated, pigments can also be used to re color the production of aviation models. The aviation model company reminds that the dust on the surface of the production of aviation models must be cleaned before the renovation work. If conditions permit, weak acid cleaning water can be used to clean the production of aviation models, so that the adhesion ability is good after coloring and it is not easy to fade.
The aviation model company reminds that no matter whether it is aircraft model production, skin maintenance or renovation, it must not touch open fire, stay away from the fire source, and the weather must be sunny for several days before and after the repair. More precautions come to our website http://m.zaiguo.cn Consult and understand!
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