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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2023-07-24 來(lái)源:http://m.zaiguo.cn/

In general, it refers to imitating the shape of a physical object or structure in a design, and its size can be divided into miniaturization, physical type, and enlargement. Some models even have identical details to the actual object, while others imitate the main features of the object. The significance of a model lies in understanding the image of an object visually. In addition to its artistic appreciation value, it also plays a significant role in education, scientific research, industrial construction, civil engineering, and military affairs. With the progress of science and technology, people view the research object as a system and conduct research from the perspective of overall behavior. Systematic research is not about listing all facts and details, but identifying factors and interrelationships that have significant impacts in order to grasp essential laws. Establish through analogies, abstractions, and other methods. This is called modeling. The model can take various forms without a unified classification principle. It can be divided into physical models, mathematical models, and structural models.
Physical model: also known as physical model, it can be divided into physical model and analog model Physical model: physical objects manufactured according to similarity theory, such as Model aircraft, hydraulic system experimental model, building model, ship model, etc Analogy model: in different physical fields (mechanics, electricity, heat, Fluid mechanics, etc.), The variables of each system sometimes follow the same pattern. Based on this common law, comparative and analogical models with completely different physical meanings can be created. For example, under certain conditions, the pressure response of a pneumatic system composed of a throttle valve and a gas capacity has a similar pattern to the output voltage characteristics of a circuit composed of resistors and capacitors. Therefore, a circuit that is easier to experiment with can be used to simulate the pneumatic system.
Mathematical model: A model described in mathematical language. Mathematical models can be a group or a group of Algebraic equation, differential equations, difference equations, Integral equation or statistical equations, or an appropriate combination of them. These equations can quantitatively or qualitatively describe the relationship or causal relationship between system variables. In addition to mathematical models described by equations, there are models described by algebra, geometry, topology, Mathematical logic and other mathematical tools. It should be pointed out that the mathematical model describes the behavior and characteristics of the system, rather than the actual structure of the system.
Structural model: A model that primarily reflects the structural characteristics and causal relationships of a system. An important model in structural models is the graphical model. In addition, room models commonly used in Biological system analysis are also structural models. Structural models are an effective means of studying complex systems.
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