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發(fā)布時間:2023-09-20 來源:http://m.zaiguo.cn/

A large-scale military model is a professional model equipment produced to meet the teaching needs of military teaching bases, exhibition needs of science and technology museums, military exhibition halls, historical scenic spots, and the setting needs of film and television dramas. Large military models mainly include tanks, armored vehicles, fighter jets, warships, and other military equipment. The size and scale are generally reduced in a 1:1 ratio, and can also be expanded or reduced according to different customer needs. Excellent workmanship and professional realism are the basic requirements in the production process of large military models. To achieve these requirements, a set of effective, scientific and rigorous production steps is required, The source manufacturer will now take you through the production steps of large-scale military models.
1、 Skeleton production
After receiving the customer's order request, the designer first designs the large military model, which is the production manual of the worker master. After receiving the drawings, the masters will cut the required 50mm50mm * 2.0mm square steel of different lengths according to the drawings, and then weld them into the skeleton of a large military model.
2、 Iron skinning of the skeleton
After the skeleton production is completed, the masters will select 2mm thick galvanized plates of appropriate size for welding the skin based on the plane distribution of the skeleton, and use riveting method to connect the galvanized plates and frames to ensure that the large military model has sufficient strength and stiffness.
3、 Spray primer putty and polish joints
After the completion of the ironwork skinning process, apply professional putty suitable for large military models and repeat the application to achieve the desired requirements. After waiting for the putty to air dry naturally, fiber material should be applied to the joints and polished. In order to ensure the smooth and flat surface of large military models, a polishing machine should be used to polish the putty.
4、 Spray appearance and improve details
Finally, according to the customer's requirements, the exterior of the large military model can be sprayed with car paint, and the words and logo can be sprayed according to the needs, and the corresponding details can be adjusted.
Thank you for reading. The source of this article is: Large Military Models. For more information and questions, please click on: http://m.zaiguo.cn We will continue to work hard to provide you with services. Thank you for your support!
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