


熱門搜索:軍事模型 航天模型 飛機模型 坦克模型 變形金剛模型 鋼雕模型
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發(fā)布時間:2024-06-19 來源:http://m.zaiguo.cn/


The aerospace model, as the name suggests, is a recyclable model made in the shape of a spacecraft. It belongs to the aerospace model and is a non manned aircraft used for operation. Its power is the model rocket engine, which is a type of micro solid rocket engine. Due to the fact that many aerospace models are rocket shaped, they are commonly referred to as model rockets.

換句話說,模型火箭是指不利用氣動升力去克服重力,而是靠模型火箭發(fā)動機推進(jìn)升空的一種航空模型;它裝有使之返回地面的以便再次飛行的回收裝置;為確保,它的結(jié)構(gòu)部件必須由非金屬材料制成。 模型火箭雖小,然而它要靠模型火箭發(fā)動機推進(jìn)才能在大氣中飛行。因此,設(shè)計和制做模型火箭需要多方面的知識,如空氣動力學(xué)、火箭飛行力學(xué)等。


In other words, a model rocket refers to an aviation model that does not use aerodynamic lift to overcome gravity, but instead relies on a model rocket engine to propel it into space; It is equipped with a recovery device that allows it to safely return to the ground for further flight; To ensure safety, its structural components must be made of non-metallic materials. Although the model rocket is small, it relies on the propulsion of the model rocket engine to fly in the atmosphere. Therefore, designing and manufacturing model rockets requires a variety of knowledge, such as aerodynamics, rocket flight mechanics, etc.


To study the stability of model rockets flying in the air and the resistance of the air to them; To analyze the flight trajectory of a rocket and calculate its altitude; When conditions permit, wind tunnel tests can also be conducted on the model rocket to determine the optimal shape of the rocket; Conduct static performance testing tests on model rocket engines, measure thrust and operating time, and calculate total impulse.


In some higher education institutions in developed countries, teachers often use model rockets as the subject matter for lectures in courses related to science and engineering, and even in physics classes in some high schools. Based on this, they guide students in conducting research projects and making model rockets.

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