


熱門搜索:軍事模型 航天模型 飛機模型 坦克模型 變形金剛模型 鋼雕模型
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發(fā)布時間:2020-12-24 來源:http://m.zaiguo.cn/


Tank model is based on the physical tank as the specification, after a complex process, according to a certain proportion of the reduction model, divided into static and start-up two kinds. Tank models are generally used in teaching materials of national defense education bases, experiments in scientific research institutes, exhibitions in museums, and many people who like to collect models.

隨著科技的開展,坦克模型有了高仿真坦克模型、仿真坦克模型、低仿真坦克模型,仿真度越高,價值越高,在材質上又分為塑料坦克模型、樹脂坦克模型、木制坦克模型、金屬坦克模型(普通為鋅合金)。國產(chǎn)坦克模型有59式坦克模型、88式坦克模型、98式坦克模型、99式坦克模型。盛行的為 99式坦克模型。

With the development of science and technology, there are high simulation tank model, simulation tank model and low simulation tank model. The higher the simulation degree is, the higher the value is. In terms of material, it is divided into plastic tank model, resin tank model, wooden tank model and metal tank model (generally zinc alloy). Domestic tank models include 59 type tank model, 88 type tank model, 98 type tank model and 99 type tank model. The prevailing model is Type 99 tank.



All metal 1:6 model German No.3 tank, German No.3 assault vehicle, which is defined by the domestic and foreign model enthusiasts as the model tank's rarity. The tank body is made of high hardness alloy materials. The proportion and structure of the tank body are reduced by 1:6 after field measurement in the German Tank Museum. It is a fully movable structure, and the level of detail is rampant. This product is divided into electric and hydraulic version. Powered by a 2-stroke gasoline engine, the hydrodynamic version is a favorite for advanced players, especially those who are familiar with mechanical aspects. Equipped with a three speed micro gearbox, the whole tank weighs 45 kg, and can complete movements in different directions. The turret rotates 360 degrees, and all speeds can be adjusted. The ups and downs in the driving process are very realistic.




Diesel engine driven: made of sheet metal, driven by internal combustion engine, mainly used in film shooting, theme park, tourist attractions, science and Technology Museum, driving experience of military enthusiasts.


Main technical parameters:

1、車身尺寸和重量 長度由實踐選型肯定

1. Body size, weight and length are confirmed by practical selection


2. Track: steel track


3. Self weight: about 6 tons


4. Crew: 16

5、動力控制: 發(fā)起機: 柴油機 啟動方式: 電啟動 擋位:1 個行進擋,1 個倒擋、3個速度檔

5. Power control: starter: diesel engine starting mode: electric starting gear: 1 forward gear, 1 reverse gear and 3 speed gears

6、支配方式: 推拉式擋桿

6. Control mode: push-pull lever

7、驅動方式:2 對托帶輪,

7. Driving mode: 2 pairs of supporting pulley,

6 對負重輪 剎車:氣動剎車

6 pairs of load wheel brake: pneumatic brake

8、經(jīng)過性小離地間隙:0.45 米

8. Minimum ground clearance: 0.45M

9、固定車速:低于35 /小時

9. Fixed speed: less than 35 km / h

10、 過垂直臺階高度:0.4 米

10. Height of vertical steps: 0.4m

11、轉彎半徑:原地360 度 越壕溝寬度:1 米 爬坡度:30 度

11. Turning radius: 360 degrees in situ, trench width: 1m, climbing slope: 30 degrees

12、 坦克外觀:可仿制各類坦克、軍用裝甲車,依照1:1 比例制成。 車身噴涂野戰(zhàn)迷彩,車身兩側帶側裙板。

12. Tank appearance: can imitate all kinds of tanks, military armored vehicles, according to the ratio of 1:1. The car body is painted with field camouflage, with side skirts on both sides.

13、 炮塔旋轉方式:(360 度轉向。手動/電動兩用。)

13. Turret rotation mode: (360 degree turn. Manual / electric.)

14、 炮塔配備:仿125 毫米線膛坦克炮;

14. Turret equipped with: imitation 125 mm bore tank gun;

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