


熱門搜索:軍事模型 航天模型 飛機模型 坦克模型 變形金剛模型 鋼雕模型
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發(fā)布時間:2021-01-12 來源:http://m.zaiguo.cn/


Metal materials are widely used in utensils, weapons and other aspects because they are easy to process and can be preserved for a long time. Among them, there are many metal products that can be called model works from volume to technology. They have both practical value and strong aesthetic value. In modern times, with the emergence of new craftsmanship and metal types, metal materials are more widely used in the field of models. Metal materials occupy an absolute position in the field of models. Most of the common permanent models and commemorative large-scale transformer models are made of metal.



The transformer model is a model work with metal as material. The application of metal material is a very important symbol in the development of human civilization. In the field of modeling, the use of metal materials should be traced back to the late Neolithic age. The emergence of iron, bronze and bronze indicates that human beings have mastered the smelting and casting technology.


There are many kinds of metals with different physical characteristics. They can be cut, welded, cast and forged. The surface treatment can be polished, polished, corroded and rusted. They can be used to make transformer models with different processing techniques. The works show the beauty and artistic conception of various materials. After a long history of development, the artists have accumulated profound experience in the characteristics and artistic expression of metal materials, and created modern expressive metal transformer models with novel forms and various categories. Metal materials have a charming aesthetic feeling of material. The artistic thinking and creative emotion of modelers are highlighted by the beauty of metal materials. They not only have a stable and calm sense of material, but also contain profound inner meaning, which is an important reason for modelers to choose more metal materials.


Tieyi transformer: welding of used auto parts. Every product contains the designer's inspiration. It is an excellent accessory for bars / theme clubs / shopping malls / real estate / squares / animation exhibitions + / game city + / clothing stores / public spaces / commercial activities and other places.

本產(chǎn)品純手工制作,造型威武、栩栩如生。使用材料做成,創(chuàng)意獨特。金屬變形金剛模型,鐵藝機器人全部是采用汽車金屬零件制作,上面有鏈條、齒輪,凸輪軸,連桿,彈簧,輪轂等各種汽車金屬材料。零部件全部是手工裁剪切割、彎壓成形、焊接成坯、打磨拋光、經(jīng)多重烤漆而成。拼接完成后整個金屬模型都會先經(jīng)過酸洗或者超聲波除銹,化學表面清洗機油。在噴漆階段,道底漆是起防銹作用的的橋梁防銹漆(紅丹底漆/富鋅底漆),金屬表面的是汽車漆。無論是看還是用手摸,都是非常吸引人的。根據(jù)客戶需求,我們各種高度的變形金剛都可以定制。1-8米皆可以定做。因為是金屬模型所以重量會很大, 3米的有600公斤,大的6米的有2噸左右,歡迎廣大客戶來電垂詢。

This product is pure handmade, powerful and lifelike. It is made of environmentally friendly materials with unique creativity. Metal transformer model and iron robot are all made of metal parts of automobile, with chain, gear, camshaft, connecting rod, spring, wheel hub and other metal materials. All the parts are cut by hand, bent, welded, polished and painted by multiple baking. After splicing, the whole metal model will undergo pickling or ultrasonic derusting and chemical surface cleaning. In the painting stage, the first primer is the bridge professional antirust paint (red lead primer / zinc rich primer), and the metal surface is automotive paint. Whether it's looking or touching, it's very attractive. According to the needs of customers, we can customize transformers of various heights. 1-8 meters can be customized. Because it is a metal model, so the weight will be very large, 3 meters of 600 kg, the largest 6 meters of about 2 tons, welcome customers to inquire.


This article is from: large scale aviation model making. For more information, please click: http://m.zaiguo.cn We will provide a satisfactory service for your questions, welcome your call!

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