


熱門搜索:軍事模型 航天模型 飛機(jī)模型 坦克模型 變形金剛模型 鋼雕模型
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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2021-06-23 來源:http://m.zaiguo.cn/


Tank model is a representative military model in contemporary times. The simulation degree of tank model with fine workmanship is almost the same as that of tank movie, so it takes a lot of manpower and cost to make the model. Today, let's talk about what elements should be considered in making tank model.


The first element to be considered in the production of large tank model is the theme to be expressed in the tank model. The theme is the theme of landscape, which is a way of thinking for the overall model design. For example, it is a learning conceptual model with positive consciousness. When the tank model is designed with the theme of reasonable utilization of waste materials, this is one of the major design elements.



Then there is the environment, that is, let the large tank model cooperate with the surrounding environment, to integrate the reference objects, the historical features of the city, the surrounding buildings and so on. Standing in this environment can better show the locality, enterprise and city. Matching the environment is a major element of the tank model production and design.


Creativity is what large tank models need to have. If you are tired of looking at some sculptures, you will have no fresh feeling. A tank model with a new feeling will make us feel like a treasure and let us have a glimpse. No matter the theme, environment or innovation of large tank model, it is to meet the requirements of viewers, ensure that everyone can love tank model, bring beautiful enjoyment to everyone's life, and make everyone full of expectation for the future.

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