


熱門搜索:軍事模型 航天模型 飛機模型 坦克模型 變形金剛模型 鋼雕模型
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發(fā)布時間:2022-03-12 來源:http://m.zaiguo.cn/

After all, the volume and weight of the transformer model are large, so the installation is really troublesome, and it takes some time for construction and reassembly, and the welding also needs special personnel. When you choose a transformer model manufacturer, you must first look at the other party's design drawings. After all, the transformer model is three-dimensional. What many people provide is only a simple plan, which needs to be designed by a specially assigned person in an all-round way before it can be made into a transformer model. After reading the sketch, decide whether to modify it. If there is no problem, install it again, so that there will be no problem of secondary installation and removal.
During installation, the transformer model is mainly welded, which is more firm. Generally, the skeleton and base must have welding points, and the base must be able to bear the overall weight, so that there will be no danger. The length of reinforcement and embedded iron also need to be calculated clearly. Only professional personnel of transformer model company can do this well, so we must choose a company with good reputation and more experience to deal with the installation of transformer model. After that, the base needs to be beautifully decorated and pasted with marble. The door can also directly the name of the transformer model company, and its beauty will be greatly improved.
Transformer model refers to the model built within the scope of urban space, which has the unique spatial environmental factors of the city. It is composed of plane space formed in square, park green space, road node, street and residential and leisure environment, and facade space and two-dimensional space formed by building walls, road retaining walls and other structures. Large transformers are three-dimensional, hard material, fixed and permanent models that can receive people in public space and indoor of urban construction.
1. Design the effect of transformer model according to customer requirements and site characteristics
2. Determine the material and make small draft.
3. The stylist enlarges according to the required proportion, makes the skeleton, and carries out reinforcement, anti-corrosion and anti rust treatment on the skeleton (according to the sculpture center of gravity, height and other data).
4. Cut the steel plate as a whole.
5. Sub arc welding, forging, strive to achieve no obvious weld, smooth lines and flat surface.
6. Polish the transformer model to make the texture natural.
7. The packaging workshop decomposes the packaging according to the size of the model.
8 大型變形金剛模型工藝流程圖
8 process flow chart of large transformer model
9. After transportation to the construction site, conduct overall consolidation and corresponding post-treatment.
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