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您當前所在位置 首頁>>新聞動態(tài)>>行業(yè)資訊大型軍事靜態(tài)坦克模型的制作應該注意什么?


發(fā)布時間:2021-02-01 來源:http://m.zaiguo.cn/


[knife for making tank model] not all kinds of knives can be used. You can take a look at the penknife. This kind of knife can help you repair the nozzle and some nonstandard parts of the model. I can't afford it. It's OK to buy a wide blade art knife. I can't afford it any more. In fact, a penknife of 50 cents at the school gate can make do, but I have to buy two!


[nozzle scissors for making tank model] just now I talked about nozzle. What's this? It's the connection between the part and the runner. The nozzle scissors can help you remove the parts completely without damaging them.


If you don't want to scratch your desk or furniture and wait for the boss / wife to repair you, buy one!



[jet pump for making tank model] if you have a little technical content, buy it, because it will make your model have a qualitative leap. The cheapest can use pq-08 as air pump (230 RMB guide price). Rich buy yousuda brand special air pump (500 RMB up and down), poor to no good? Buy a turtle pump, only 128! Take it home. He can meet your most basic coloring needs.


This device can supply air pressure to the fountain pen so that the model paint can be atomized. Southern comrades should not forget to buy water grids together, unless you want your models to be all Octopus camouflage! If you don't believe it, just try.


[fountain pen for making tank model] the equipment for spraying pigment doesn't need to be too good. A genuine f-470 made in Taiwan can meet your initial needs. Like artillery, the fountain pen has caliber. The smaller the caliber number is, the smaller the ejected area is. The fountain pen is very delicate. It should be cleaned and preserved after painting. Don't use 84 and detergent to deal with it, use special pen washing liquid to clean it! In a word: treat fountain pen like a lover!


[paint for making tank model] the paint is oil-based and water-based, diluted by special diluent. The model paint particles are very small to ensure that the texture on the model will not be buried. Take oil-based paint as an example, poor people buy (Xingying) and water-based paint (Tiangong). The toxicity of oil-based paint is slightly higher than that of water-based paint. Oily paint to use oily paint thinner and oily paint wash liquid! The same is true for waterborne paints.


[armor for making tank model] this is not the kind of bullshit helmet in CF that has been hit everywhere. It's a gas mask and goggles. Although the toxicity of water-based paint is small, it is not good to inhale the atomized paint into the lungs and eyes. A filter type protective mask and a pair of goggles are the guarantee of your safe turn to entertainment!

【制作坦克模型的粉彩】這是廉價的舊化用品,如果你不想讓你的坦克像剛出廠那樣,你就需要他。別忘了買幾只小畫筆,比如0號水粉筆和勾邊筆。你大概需要泥  土色和白色,灰色以及你干脆買一盒子吧!

This is the cheapest old thing. If you don't want your tank to look like it just came out of the factory, you need it. Don't forget to buy a few small brushes, such as No.0 gouache pen and edge marker. You probably need earth color and white, gray and you just buy a box!

以上就是大型軍事模型http://m.zaiguo.cn  為大家介紹的內(nèi)容,感謝您在百忙之中查看我公司的信息內(nèi)容,如果您想要了解的更多,歡迎您來電進行咨詢!

That's the big military model http://m.zaiguo.cn   Thank you for checking our company's information in your busy schedule. If you want to know more, you are welcome to inquire!

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