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發(fā)布時間:2022-05-31 來源:http://m.zaiguo.cn/

Generally, before making aircraft models, relevant manufacturers should determine whether the aircraft model is a fighter, a glider, an airliner or an early warning aircraft? Then calculate the area of the fuselage, wings and ailerons of the aircraft. Common wing shapes are divided into rectangular wing, swept wing, delta wing and spindle wing (elliptical wing).
Whether the model aircraft can fly, whether it is easy to fly, and whether the takeoff and landing speed is fast, wing load is very important. Generally speaking, the wing load of a glider is less than 35 g / square decimeter, and the wing load of an ordinary fixed wing aircraft is 35-100 g / square decimeter. For example, the wing load of a real aircraft is 100 g / square decimeter. After determining the area of the aileron and the size of the wing, it is time to calculate the area of the aileron. (specific analysis data for specific conditions)
It is very important to determine the position of the center of gravity. If the center of gravity is too forward, the aircraft will sink, and it is difficult to take off and land. Aircraft shape design is an indispensable part of aircraft design process and plays an irreplaceable role in improving aircraft speed.
With the development of aerodynamics and the intervention of various high-end technologies, the shape of the aircraft has gradually evolved to streamline and multi-layer wings, which has greatly reduced the air resistance, increased the thrust and lift, and improved the flexibility of the aircraft. The application and development of numerical control technology in aircraft processing and manufacturing has made aircraft manufacturing move towards high precision, high efficiency and automation.
After all the drawings are finalized, they are processed by numerical control. There are two major features: first, it can greatly improve the accuracy, including the accuracy of machining quality and machining time error; Second, the repeatability of processing quality can stabilize the processing quality, maintain the consistency of the quality of processed parts, and NC processing can improve production efficiency and high accuracy.
Large aircraft models and other products are closely linked from the initial drawing design to the subsequent model installation. The simulation degree of the shape, the dead weight of the aircraft model and the balance point should be considered in place. As a designer, I really realize what is the difference.
We are a model manufacturer specializing in manufacturing and selling large aircraft models. Interested customers can call us for advice or follow our website www.quanyimoxing COM, leave a message to ask questions!
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