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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2022-10-20 來(lái)源:http://m.zaiguo.cn/

The tank models, anti-aircraft gun weapon models and fighter aircraft series models displayed in military exhibitions can always cause widespread heated discussions among military fans. This is because these models represent the military power of an era, and the useful military exhibitions take a long time to decorate tanks. Now large tank model manufacturers make a brief analysis on why tanks in military exhibitions are popular.
1. Reflected the new level of equipment
It is understood that the tank model has become one of the military models required for military exhibitions. This is because the tank model is a relatively advanced main battle tank at present, and also an early "information tank". It highly restores the characteristics of the tank, such as the advanced composite armor around the vehicle body, which can withstand the fire attacks of anti tank missiles and armed helicopters in many ways.
2. Good maneuverability and strong protection
The tank model in the military exhibition verified that the tank has good maneuverability and strong protection. It can be seen from the model that the main gun of the tank is very powerful. At the same time, the new composite armor decorated on the top of the tank effectively integrates many different capabilities such as mobility, firepower and protection.
3. High degree of informatization
It is reported that the tank model in the military exhibition quickly attracted the attention of visitors as soon as it was launched. In addition to its powerful firepower and strong defensive capability, its advantage lies in its high degree of informatization. The tank uses millimeter wave as the transmission command, which is convenient for correcting the running direction and fire strike direction of the tank. In fact, it can play a greater role in destroying the enemy's effective force.
Every model in the military exhibition has a moving story behind it, which is one of the important reasons why the popularity of military exhibitions has spread rapidly. For example, the popularity of the tank model is very surprising, because it reflects the new level of equipment, and has the characteristics of good mobility, strong protection and high information level. Follow us http://m.zaiguo.cn , explain more things for you!
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