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發(fā)布時間:2022-11-03 來源:http://m.zaiguo.cn/

As an important part of modern art, the modern robot model is no exception, and its form composition is also constantly simplified. Specifically, it can be summarized as two points:
1、 The purity of the concept of form. The world war completely broke down the old order in Europe, and the tradition and the elegant art with empty eyes were incompatible with the special and crazy era. At this time, the Dada art produced crazily negates and subverts the values of traditional art, and people begin to rethink what art is. For modern large-scale robots, the introduction of "metal ready-made products" into robot models has disintegrated the concept of form that has existed for centuries.
The poor art prevailing in the 1990s made this concept more pure. They directly used raw materials such as wood, stone, soil, feathers, steel, etc. to explore the combination of nature and civilization and seek the relationship between man and the environment. In this way, the art of poverty has further purified the formal concept of modern large-scale robots.
Industrial components, waste materials, ready to use products... The traces of their artistic processing only bear the artist's concept, and the language of art is more pure, simple and true. The robot modeler of Pop Art, Siegel, directly recreates human figures on real people without any embellishment and embellishment. He places these human figures or portraits in the corner of daily life without any choice, and combines robot models, ready-made products and life details into a whole robot model, which is a new breakthrough in the concept of robot models.
2、 The pureness of formal language. Under the influence of constructivism, the formalistic aesthetics of modern art is pushed to a better level and towards aestheticism. It achieves "pure abstraction" by stripping plastic arts to only basic elements. They use emerging industrial materials to create simple, clear, extroverted and non decorative forms to express the impersonal and purely objective nature of their works. The image of the modern robot model is gradually simplified to a simple element, that is, the shape.
Robot modelers have inherited and developed these principles. They use cold steel as the material of robot models and advocate geometric simplicity. Large robots have gradually become a "pure form" in their hands. Come to our website for more information!
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