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您當前所在位置 首頁>>新聞動態(tài)>>行業(yè)資訊大型飛機模型:波音空客與普通的空客有什么區(qū)別?


發(fā)布時間:2023-11-22 來源:http://m.zaiguo.cn/

There are significant differences between Boeing and Airbus aircraft in design and manufacturing styles, aircraft series, body materials, control interfaces, system architecture, and market share.
1、 Design and Manufacturing Style
Boeing and Airbus have different styles and philosophies in aircraft design and manufacturing. Boeing typically adopts more traditional design and manufacturing methods, emphasizing aircraft performance and operational flexibility, and emphasizing pilot flight skills. Airbus, on the other hand, tends to use modern design and manufacturing technologies, emphasizing automation and advanced avionics systems, emphasizing the economy and comfort of airlines.
2、 Aircraft series
Boeing and Airbus both produce a variety of aircraft series to meet the needs of different markets and customers. Boeing's series includes 737, 747, 777, and 787, while Airbus mainly features A320, A330, A350, and A380 series.
3、 Body material
Boeing and Airbus also have different material choices for aircraft fuselages. Boeing uses traditional aluminum alloy materials in some of its aircraft models, while Airbus uses composite materials such as carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) in some of its aircraft models.
4、 Control interface
There are also differences in the control interface between Boeing and Airbus aircraft. Boeing's aircraft typically use mechanized control interfaces, such as joysticks and mechanized instrument panels, while Airbus's aircraft tend to have digital and electronic control interfaces, such as sidesticks and electronic instrument panels.
5、 System architecture
There are also differences in the avionics system architecture between Boeing and Airbus aircraft. Boeing typically adopts a decentralized architecture that designs and integrates different systems independently, while Airbus tends to adopt an integrated architecture that integrates different systems into a shared data network.
6、 Market share
Boeing and Airbus also have different market shares in the global aviation market. Boeing holds a significant share in the North American market, while Airbus holds a significant share in the European market and has a significant global market share.
Overall, the differences between Boeing and Airbus aircraft are mainly reflected in design concepts, aircraft series, material selection, control interfaces, system architecture, and market share. These factors collectively determine that each aircraft has its own characteristics, advantages, and application areas.
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