


熱門搜索:軍事模型 航天模型 飛機模型 坦克模型 變形金剛模型 鋼雕模型
您當前所在位置 首頁>>新聞動態(tài)>>行業(yè)資訊大型航空模型制作包含哪些事項處理?


發(fā)布時間:2024-01-08 來源:http://m.zaiguo.cn/


1、 What is an aviation model


In the competition rules formulated by the International Aviation Federation, it is clearly stipulated that "aircraft models are heavier than air, have size limitations, with or without engines, and cannot carry passengers. They are called aviation models (Figure 1), which is a general term for various aircraft models, including aviation aircraft and other model aircraft, abbreviated as" aviation models ".


(1) Aircraft model


A model made in proportion to the actual size of a certain aircraft, which is generally believed to be unable to fly, is called an aircraft model.


(2) Model aircraft


A model aircraft that can fly in the air is generally referred to as an aviation model.



2、 Composition of aviation models


Model aircraft, like manned aircraft, are mainly composed of six parts: wings, tail, fuselage, landing gear, engine, and control system.


1. Wing - is a device that generates lift during flight of a model aircraft and can maintain lateral stability during flight.


How to make a good aviation model

2、尾翼―――包括水平尾翼和垂直尾翼兩部分。水平尾翼可保持模型飛機飛行時的俯仰穩(wěn)定,垂直尾翼保持模型飛機飛行時的方向穩(wěn)定。水平尾翼上的升降舵能控制模型飛機的升降, 垂直尾翼上的方向舵可控制模型飛機的飛行方向。也有模型飛機使用V型尾翼,需要混合控制,一般航模遙控器都有此功能。兩片向外傾斜的尾翼聯(lián)合控制方向舵與升降舵。特殊的情況是機翼采用S翼型的無動力滑翔機,這類機只有垂直尾翼而沒有水平尾翼。

2. Tail wing - includes two parts: horizontal tail wing and vertical tail wing. The horizontal tail can maintain the pitch stability of the model aircraft during flight, while the vertical tail can maintain the directional stability of the model aircraft during flight. The elevator on the horizontal tail can control the lifting of the model aircraft, while the rudder on the vertical tail can control the flight direction of the model aircraft. There are also model aircraft that use V-shaped tail fins and require hybrid control, which is usually available on the model aircraft remote control. Two outward sloping tail fins jointly control the rudder and elevator. The special case is an unpowered glider with an S-shaped wing, which has only a vertical tail and no horizontal tail.


3. The main body, which connects the various parts of the model into a whole, is called the fuselage. At the same time, the fuselage can be loaded with necessary control components, equipment, and fuel.

4、起落架―――供模型飛機起飛、著陸和停放的裝置。機頭一個起落架,機翼下方兩面各一個起落架叫前三點式, 機頭兩個起落架,尾部一個起落架叫后三點式。

4. Landing gear - a device used for takeoff, landing, and parking of model aircraft. There is one landing gear at the nose and one landing gear on each side below the wings, which is called the front three-point landing gear. There are two landing gears at the nose and one landing gear at the tail, which is called the rear three-point landing gear.

5、發(fā)動機―――它是模型飛機產(chǎn)生飛行動力的裝置。模型飛機常用的動 力裝置有:橡筋束、活塞式發(fā)動機、渦輪噴氣式發(fā)動機、電動機。

5. Engine - It is a device that generates flight power for a model aircraft. The commonly used power devices for model aircraft include rubber bands, piston engines, turbojet engines, and electric motors.


6. Solar panels and various types of batteries can also serve as power sources for model aircraft.


7. Control System - The control system is mainly used to control the aerial maneuvers of the model, including takeoff, landing, and turning. It is divided into a transmitter (and the remote control) and a receiver (connected to various electronic devices on the aircraft). Advanced aircraft models can be used for data retrieval, such as temperature sensing, airspeed meters, altimeters, lift meters, GPS, FPV, etc.

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