


熱門搜索:軍事模型 航天模型 飛機(jī)模型 坦克模型 變形金剛模型 鋼雕模型
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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2024-04-25 來(lái)源:http://m.zaiguo.cn/


1. Aircraft model terminology:

油門位置: 油門越大,螺旋槳拉力或推力越大,飛機(jī)增速快,起飛滑跑距離就短。所以,一般應(yīng)用zui大功率或zui大油門狀態(tài)起飛。

Accelerator position: The larger the accelerator, the greater the propeller pull or thrust, the faster the aircraft grows, and the shorter the takeoff and running distance. So, generally, takeoff should be carried out with high power or high throttle.

離地迎角: 離地迎角的大小決定于抬前輪或抬機(jī)尾的高度。離地迎角大,離地速度小,起飛滑跑距離短。但離地迎角又不可過(guò)大,離地迎角過(guò)大,不僅會(huì)因飛機(jī)阻力大而使飛機(jī)增速慢延長(zhǎng)滑跑距離,而且會(huì)直接危及飛行an全。


Angle of attack from the ground: The magnitude of the angle of attack from the ground depends on the height of lifting the front wheel or tail of the aircraft. High angle of attack from the ground, low ground speed, and short takeoff distance. But the angle of attack from the ground should not be too large. If the angle of attack from the ground is too large, not only will the aircraft slow down due to high resistance, but it will also directly endanger the flight safety.

襟翼位置: 放下襟翼,可加大升力系數(shù),減小離地速度,因而能縮短起飛滑跑距離。

Flap position: Lowering the flaps can increase the lift coefficient, reduce the ground clearance speed, and thus shorten the takeoff distance.

起飛重量: 起飛重量加大,不僅使飛機(jī)離地速度加大,而且會(huì)引起機(jī)輪摩擦力增加,使飛機(jī)不易加速。因此,起飛重量加大,起飛滑跑距離增長(zhǎng)。

Takeoff weight: An increase in takeoff weight not only increases the aircraft's takeoff speed, but also causes an increase in wheel friction, making it difficult for the aircraft to accelerate. Therefore, the takeoff weight increases and the takeoff distance increases.

機(jī)場(chǎng)標(biāo)高與氣溫: 機(jī)場(chǎng)標(biāo)高或氣溫升高都會(huì)引起空氣密度減小,一放面使拉力或推力減小,飛機(jī)加速慢;另一方面,離地速度加大,因此起飛滑跑距離必然增長(zhǎng)。

Airport elevation and temperature: An increase in airport elevation or temperature can cause a decrease in air density, leading to a decrease in tension or thrust and slow aircraft acceleration; On the other hand, as the ground clearance speed increases, the takeoff distance will inevitably increase.

跑道表面質(zhì)量: 不同跑道表面質(zhì)量的摩擦系數(shù),滑跑距離也就不同。跑道表面如果光滑平坦而堅(jiān)實(shí),則摩擦系數(shù)小,摩擦力小,飛機(jī)增速快,起飛滑跑距離短。反之跑道表面粗糙不平或松軟,起飛滑跑距離就長(zhǎng)。

Runway surface quality: The friction coefficient of different runway surface qualities results in different running distances. If the surface of the runway is smooth, flat, and solid, the friction coefficient is small, the friction force is small, the aircraft speed is fast, and the takeoff and taxiing distance is short. On the contrary, if the surface of the runway is rough, uneven, or soft, the takeoff run distance will be longer.

風(fēng)向風(fēng)速: 起飛滑跑時(shí),為了產(chǎn)生足夠的升力使飛機(jī)離地,不論有風(fēng)或無(wú)風(fēng),離地空速是一定的。但滑跑距離只與地速有關(guān),逆風(fēng)滑跑時(shí),離地地速小,所以起飛滑跑距離比無(wú)風(fēng)時(shí)短。反之則長(zhǎng)。

Wind direction and speed: During takeoff and taxiing, in order to generate sufficient lift to lift the aircraft off the ground, regardless of whether there is wind or no wind, the airspeed above the ground is constant. But the distance of taxiing is only related to the ground speed. When taxiing against the wind, the ground speed is small, so the takeoff taxiing distance is shorter than when there is no wind. On the contrary, it is longer.

滑跑坡度: 跑道有坡度,會(huì)使飛機(jī)加速力加大或減小。

Rolling slope: The runway has a slope that increases or decreases the aircraft's acceleration force.


2. Precautions


During production and release, special attention should be paid not to allow infants, young children, blind people, allergic individuals, intellectually disabled individuals, and individuals with mental illnesses to come into contact with or approach models and parts, tools, glue, batteries, etc., to avoid any potential accidents


In the production of aircraft models, it is necessary to avoid environments such as low light, open flames, sand and dust, strong magnetic fields, high and low temperatures, enclosed indoor spaces, and moving vehicles. After the model is completed, the remaining parts and tools should be placed in your tool box, model packaging box, or other complete place, and should not be placed or discarded casually


This article is provided to you by a large-scale aviation model manufacturer. Our website is: http://m.zaiguo.cn We will provide you with wholehearted enthusiasm and welcome your visit!

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