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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2024-08-05 來(lái)源:http://m.zaiguo.cn/


Large military models include tank models, armored vehicle models, fighter jet models, and other models. As a manufacturer of these models, today we will reveal the five major production techniques for military models.


1、 Select materials


The materials for military models usually include plastic, metal, wood, etc. Select appropriate materials based on the requirements and purposes of the military model. For example, plastic is used to make the main components of military models, metal is used to make weapon models and other fine parts, and wood is used to make model bases or other decorative components.


Armored Vehicle Military Model Factory Drawing


2、 Using tools


Making military models requires the use of various tools, including scissors, knives, drilling machines, painting guns, laser cutting machines, etc. Proper use of these tools is crucial for creating military models, as it can prevent material damage or accidental injuries. For example, when using a carving knife, one should carefully cut the steel sheet to avoid cutting too far or too deep.


Tank military model shipment diagram


3、 Coloring and painting


The coloring and painting of military models are very important steps. Usually, it is necessary to use pigments and painting tools to color and paint military models. Different coatings and painting methods can produce different effects, making military models look more realistic and beautiful. For example, using spray cans to spray colors can produce a uniform color effect on military models.



Outdoor image of armed helicopter model


4、 Pay attention to details


Making military models requires attention to details, including the processing, assembly, and finishing of parts. Each step needs to be taken seriously to ensure that the scale, accuracy, and level of detail of the military model meet the requirements. For example, during assembly, it is necessary to carefully check the size and position of the parts to avoid errors.


Bomber Military Model Diagram


5、 Spray paint protection


After completing the basic production of the military model, a layer of protective paint needs to be sprayed to protect the color and appearance of the military model and increase its durability. When spraying protective paint, it is necessary to choose the appropriate paint material and mix the paint material and diluent according to the prescribed ratio. When spraying, it is necessary to maintain a certain distance and angle to avoid defects on the paint surface.


Delivery diagram of J-15 military model


In short, making military models requires patience, meticulousness, and mastery of certain skills. Only in this way can high-quality military models be produced, allowing you to experience the joy and sense of achievement in the production process.

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