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發(fā)布時間:2021-10-13 來源:http://m.zaiguo.cn/

Since human beings stepped into a regular way of life, a batch of practical tools and supplies have emerged. Up to now, there are many stars in the sky. In addition to its practicability, all kinds of mechanical supplies or all kinds of transportation tools also have all kinds of aesthetic appearance. In this way, we can call it "mechanical beauty", that is, art + technology = mechanical products.
This person was originally called a "craftsman". Due to the development of technology, under the special historical conditions in the early stage of the industrial revolution, it once emphasized its practicability and separated the skills for a period of time. However, later, when competing among various products, it emphasized that the same performance has different appearance beauty to attract consumers. Therefore, the two became one and became an inseparable whole.
Based on the above views, this paper specifically discusses the topic of the relationship between the United States and technology in the aviation field.
Since ancient times, many flying weather myths and legends and some flying fantasy paintings have appeared at home and abroad, but they are in the category of myth and have no scientific basis. Until the Renaissance, Da Vinci (1452 ~ 1519), a famous Italian scientist and painter, made an in-depth study on the flight posture and flight law of birds in order to draw more vivid pictures. He once wrote a book on the flight of birds, and drew the lift diagram generated by bird wings and some flapping wings with his exquisite hand according to scientific theories Rotor helicopter, parachute, etc. Today, in addition to the failure to realize flapping wing flight, the lift principle of wings, the emergence of helicopters and the application of parachutes are directly related to his first recognized valuable aviation fantasies in the world. Therefore, it can be said that the origin of aviation is the combination of beauty and technology, which is closely related and originated.
Today, someone stressed that the shape design of the aircraft is determined by the wind tunnel blowing test, but he ignored that many shape schemes came from the designer's sketches before the blowing test. After making a choice among various design sketches, these design sketches have various types, and their appearance is all kinds of "beauty".
Because the designer has his flexibility in designing a certain type of aircraft on the basis of the same performance, it will also produce a variety of different aerodynamic shapes, which is called "mechanical beauty" or "appearance beauty".
For example, in the early 1970s, when the United States invited tenders for the design of the next generation tactical fighter, when general dynamics's YF-16 competed with McDonnell Douglas and rosnoff's ye-17, the air force selected YF-16, but at that time, the US Navy modified the latter to F-18 and put it into operation as a carrier based successor. In terms of performance, except that the latter is suitable for carrier based functions, other performance is roughly the same, But both have their special appearance beauty in pneumatic appearance. For example, birds can fly on the same principle, but there are thousands of beautiful birds in the world flying in the air of nature. Therefore, as an aircraft designer, he has artistic cultivation. He will imagine many products that conform to the technical law and have aesthetic appearance when designing the scheme. Speaking of this, I suggest that in the future, those who study aircraft design (including other mechanical design, of course) can add a required art course. Just as learning the Department of architectural design, they should learn some architectural engineering art paintings. This is of great benefit to the development of China's aviation industry in the future.
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