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發(fā)布時間:2021-10-30 來源:http://m.zaiguo.cn/

3D printing meets the production requirements of complex models
3D printing can meet the requirements of film and television mold processing accuracy and complex mold production. Traditional mold making usually adopts manual engraving, cutting and other methods, which is difficult to ensure the accuracy, especially to complete the production of complex layout mold. The maturity of 3D printing technology can not only make the molds with extremely high precision, but also complete the production of complex layout molds.
腳色藝術(shù)家Giovanni Nakpil應(yīng)用Oculus medium的VR鐫刻和繪畫對象打造出了一個細節(jié)驚人的3D怪物模子,并借助Stratasys全彩3D打印技巧打印進去。這類利用聯(lián)合大大有助于塑造影視作品中的特別腳色。
The role artist Giovanni nakpil used oculus medium's VR engraving and painting objects to create a 3D monster mold with amazing details, which was printed with the help of STRATASYS full-color 3D printing skills. This kind of joint use greatly helps to shape the special role in film and television works.
The props must be too personalized, bizarre and different in shape, but often only one or several are needed. Find a company or workshop to determine the high cost. At this time, the influence of 3D printing will emerge. Just draw the mold, you can print the desired props, vases, jade seals, swords, palace lanterns in the palace and even all kinds of small buildings commonly used in video, Can be printed in.
2、 Frugal film and television mold production cost
3D printing can significantly reduce the cost of film and television mold production. Whether it is hand-made or outsourced mold making, the traditional mold making will cost a lot of time and cost. 3D printing can stop rapid mold making, which can not only prolong the delivery cycle of the mold, but also reduce the cost of mold making.
3、 It is difficult to apply color in the early stage of multicolor printing
3D printing can complete multi-color printing, preventing the trouble of early coloring in the film and television industry. Especially for the coloring of complex molds, it is difficult to change once there are coloring errors in concealment, coloring, polishing and many other key points. In addition, the film and television animation industry also has a large number of needs for flexible molds, such as making character masks.
Through the black-and-white 3D printer, you can print film and television props with multiple colors by planning the style and color of props such as character masks and molds afterwards. There is no need to paint in the early stage, reduce the time cost and production cycle, and can complete the color matching of various colors. The masks of ghost King Zong and blood refining hall in the hit drama "Qingyun Zhi" were printed in 3D.
4、 Multicolor printing solves the problem of late coloring
3D printing can realize multi-color printing, avoiding the trouble of color painting in the later stage of the film and television industry. Especially for the coloring of complex models, it is difficult to modify once coloring errors occur in many links such as covering, coloring and polishing. In addition, the film and television animation industry also has a large demand for flexible models, such as making character masks.
Through the color 3D printer, as long as the props styles and colors such as character masks and models are designed in advance, film and television props with multiple colors can be printed. There is no need for post painting, which reduces the time cost and production cycle, and can realize the color matching of various colors.
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