


熱門(mén)搜索:軍事模型 航天模型 飛機(jī)模型 坦克模型 變形金剛模型 鋼雕模型
您當(dāng)前所在位置 首頁(yè)>>新聞動(dòng)態(tài)>>公司動(dòng)態(tài)大型軍事模型在展示時(shí)切忌做什么事?


發(fā)布時(shí)間:2022-04-25 來(lái)源:http://m.zaiguo.cn/

  Large military model is now a lot of military fans will participate in the production of the project, the production and installation of the completion of the sometimes displayed in a place for everyone to enjoy, but there are more matters to pay attention to, so large military model in the display of what should not do?
  Due to various reasons, there is a lot of dust in some exhibition Spaces, and appropriate shielding measures should be taken to reduce dust falling into the interior of large military models. The influence of dust on models is mainly to accelerate the aging of models and affect the display effect. In addition, the overall cleaning will cause different degrees of damage to the model, resulting in different degrees of damage to the model. The more cleaning times, the greater the damage of many components in the model. Attention should be paid to the cleaning strength. In addition, during the exhibition, many children will inevitably come with their parents. Children are interested in the small parts on the model, and proper reminders should be given during the display to avoid children causing harm to the model.
  It was also important that the temperature and humidity of the display space not be too high, because large military models have lots of tiny electronics inside them that emit some heat as they run. But because the internal space is small, some bulbs only a few millimeters or so, will cause excessive heat concentration, will cause material deformation or solder spot fall off. Indoor humidity should not be too high, so that the electronic components inside the model work in a humid environment, will greatly reduce the service life of electronic components.
  In addition, the large military model has many internal circuits and micro-electronic components, so it is forbidden to form water on the model. If a teacup or drink spills, stop the water with a dry towel or paper towel immediately to prevent the area from expanding. Or go deep into the chassis of the model to prevent the internal electronics from burning out or the wiring from being short-circuited by water. If there is a lot of water on the model, the power should be disconnected immediately. If there is a lot of water infiltration or rain, wait until the model is completely dry before connecting the power supply.
  Large military model to be honest, its production process is quite tedious and complex, so it needs to be well maintained after completion, so that the service life of the model can be extended, so if you have any questions, please come to the website m.zaiguo.cn for consultation!
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