


熱門搜索:軍事模型 航天模型 飛機模型 坦克模型 變形金剛模型 鋼雕模型
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發(fā)布時間:2021-03-05 來源:http://m.zaiguo.cn/


1. Method of casting metal model

在制造形狀復(fù)雜和不規(guī)則曲面的上海金屬模型時,假如數(shù)量較多,并且要求可以精確互換的話,都可以采用石膏模型的方法來制造。用石膏模型做上海金屬模型與用木料作模型不一樣,它只能用“復(fù)雜模型”來制造,即將石膏漿灌注在一個實體模型上,得出一個與 實踐模型徹底符合的不和的模具,然后再在石膏模型中澆鑄上海金屬模型。下面舉一個作犁鏵鐵模的比如來說明制造石膏模的工程程序。

If there are a large number of Shanghai metal models with complex shape and irregular surface, and it is required that they can be interchanged accurately, they can be made by gypsum model. Making Shanghai metal model with gypsum model is different from making model with wood. It can only be made with "complex model", that is, pouring gypsum slurry into a solid model to get a mold completely consistent with the practical model, and then casting Shanghai metal model in gypsum model. The following is an example of making iron molds for plowshares to illustrate the engineering procedures for making plaster molds.


2. Machining metal model



According to the appearance of the mechanical model to create a three-dimensional data model, according to the structure of the design parts, three-dimensional carving machine, this method is suitable for a small number of mechanical models, requiring accuracy, because this method is more expensive, generally do not use this method.


3. Mold processing method


According to the structure of the mechanical model, the mold of Shanghai metal model is designed and manufactured, and the Shanghai metal model is made by die casting machine. This manufacturing method is suitable for batch manufacturing, which has the advantages of low cost and high speed

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