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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2021-03-10 來源:http://m.zaiguo.cn/


Simulated animal sculpture refers to the use of resin in the mold, blank production and simulation process, the production of bionic, imitation of copper, imitation of stone, imitation of jade, imitation of wood and other FRP products, a variety of effects, different appearance, lifelike FRP simulated animal sculpture process products.


Simulation animal sculpture originated from arts and crafts, so most of the simulation animal sculpture works have strong decorative and practical; pay attention to the depiction of animal shape, add color to the statue, combine plastic and painting, and complement each other, so that the works have the same aesthetic feeling and appreciation value as painting; pay attention to the vivid form, and express a high degree of image beauty with concise animal sculpture language.



There are a large number of simulated animal sculpture images, such as sika deer, lion, unicorn, dragon turtle, ox, horse and so on. The sculpture techniques are realistic and vivid. Moreover, different simulated animal sculpture crafts also have different subtle processing methods. Therefore, it is necessary to constantly ponder and innovate in order to produce more exquisite, more practical and more marketable sculptures It can provide more comprehensive services for home decoration, construction, film and television and other industries in different fields.


The first is dynamic mechanical dinosaur, which uses steel to make dinosaur bracket, mechanical and transmission, uses high-density sponge for three-dimensional processing to make dinosaur muscle, and then adds fiber on the muscle to increase the strength of dinosaur skin. After diluting with silica gel, evenly brush it on the dinosaur muscle to form dinosaur skin, and then spray color, and then implant control program A complete simulation dinosaur came out. Such dinosaurs can do eyes, head, mouth, neck, claws, abdomen, legs, tail and other movements, coupled with the appropriate call is very vivid!


The second is to sculpt dinosaurs. His production technology and materials are divided into two kinds: 1. Glass fiber reinforced plastics, 2. Cement sculpture. Steel is still needed as the skeleton of dinosaurs, and then the skin of glass fiber reinforced plastic and cement sculptures is attached. Such dinosaurs can be made into different postures, lifelike. But he can't do mechanical movement. He is a fixed dinosaur sculpture.


Simulation dinosaur is the use of modern scientific and technological means, according to the dinosaur fossil computer restoration picture to make a realistic dinosaur, the restoration of the simulation dinosaur appearance, shape, action and other aspects, very realistic, lifelike shape, action lifelike.


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