


熱門(mén)搜索:軍事模型 航天模型 飛機(jī)模型 坦克模型 變形金剛模型 鋼雕模型
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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2021-03-18 來(lái)源:http://m.zaiguo.cn/

堆積地貌 依照方格將地形圖上已選定的低等高線,能控制地貌基本形狀的等高線,以及山頂,鞍部,山腳,傾斜變換點(diǎn)和江河等到的位置畫(huà)到沙盤(pán)面上.

According to the grid, the lowest contour line selected on the topographic map, the contour line which can control the basic shape of the landform, and the positions of the top, saddle, foot of the mountain, inclined transformation point and river are drawn on the sand table


Mark the height of the top of the mountain, saddle, foot of the mountain, inclined transformation point and bend of the river.



Within the range of the lowest contour line, according to the marked height and contour line, first pile up the outline shape of the top, saddle, back of the mountain as the backbone, and then trim other parts. If the sand table is large, it can be piled up in pieces, first pile up the difficult parts, and then pile up the convenient parts. When stacking, it should be compared with the topographic map at any time to correctly show the ups and downs of the landform, and the sand should be compacted at any time, If there are large rivers and lakes, they should be excavated at the same time when trimming the landform. After the accumulation, they should be checked and trimmed comprehensively.


Setting up features


The features on the sand table, such as houses, railways, bridges, trees and independent features, are usually represented by similar models. The width of roads and country roads varies, and different colors are used to represent them. Rivers are represented by blue. Trees are represented by twigs or green. The size of the features should be adapted to the horizontal scale, and the relationship position should be correct. The features should be set according to the sequence of water system, residential area, road, forest and independent features. Finally, place name, river name, mountain name and elevation mark should be inserted on the corresponding position.

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