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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2024-03-13 來源:http://m.zaiguo.cn/


This model is widely used in our daily lives, with a variety of types. The types of models used in different situations are different, and the material properties between different models are different. The following mechanical model companies will provide a detailed explanation of the material properties of mechanical models, following our understanding.


Transparency: Firstly, transparent materials are introduced, mainly used to represent building doors, windows, and water pools. There are mainly transparent films, organic glass panels, etc. These materials are divided into transparent materials, colored materials, and frosted materials. Transparent materials should be installed flat, and slight bending can form obvious bumps.



Reflection: Then made of reflective materials, it is mainly used to represent decorative components such as reflective metals and mirrors in sand table model buildings, including colored reflective velocity stickers, glass mirrors, etc. Reflective materials should be used as little as possible and only for decoration.


Rough: There are also rough materials, mainly used for displaying grass, bricks, stone walls, tiles, etc. Grass paper and PVC finished boards can be used. Its depth can match dark shadows to display the weight of the building.


Smoothness: A sandbox model is usually a simplified version of a building entity. Only when they look smooth can they showcase their charm. The smooth sand table model has a rich variety of materials, which can be divided into high gloss materials and low gloss materials. High gloss materials are mainly used for sand table model building decorative frames and local decorations, while matte materials are used for building model surfaces. Smooth materials are always a symbol of cleanliness and tidiness.


This article is assisted by a large-scale aerospace model. For more related content, please click: http://m.zaiguo.cn I hope this article can be helpful to you. Thank you for reading!

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