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發(fā)布時間:2024-03-20 來源:http://m.zaiguo.cn/

是強的五對輪坦克。傳統(tǒng)的五對輪坦克沒有托帶輪,我小時候印象中的坦克上履帶達拉在負重輪上,碩大的負重輪也成了很明確的記憶。而88用了六對小直徑負重輪加托帶輪。在外觀上給人一種端莊秀氣的感覺。提高坦克機動性不只是增強發(fā)動機功率,懸掛系統(tǒng)的性能能夠大幅度影響坦克的機動性與越野性。用小直徑負重輪的88擺脫了59傻大黑粗的形象,變得端莊秀氣。給人一種女大十八變的感覺。就像長得不怎么樣的小學同學去韓國做了醫(yī)美回國后的感覺,雖然隱約還有點小學的影子,但是形象上更精了細致。    圖片

It is a strong five wheeled tank. The traditional five wheeled tank does not have supporting wheels. When I was a child, the tracks on the tank were mounted on the load-bearing wheels, and the large load-bearing wheels became a clear memory. And 88 used six pairs of small diameter load-bearing wheels and supporting pulleys. It gives a dignified and delicate feeling in appearance. Improving tank mobility is not just about enhancing engine power, but the performance of the suspension system can significantly affect the tank's mobility and off-road capabilities. The 88 with a small diameter load-bearing wheel has broken away from the silly and thick image of 59, becoming dignified and delicate. Give people a feeling of transformation as a woman. Just like how elementary school classmates who didn't look very good felt after going to South Korea for medical beauty and returning home, although there was still a faint shadow of elementary school, the image became more refined and detailed. picture


Next is comprehensive fire control. The fire control system department of 88 is also one of the best in second-generation tanks. Stable phase fire control achieves the ability of dynamic to dynamic shooting. This seems to be comparable to Leopard 1A5. The fire control system of the third generation tank has been implemented on the second generation tank.

后就是防護了,復合裝甲的防護性能在互聯(lián)網(wǎng)上能夠查到,能夠免疫當時全部的105毫米穿甲彈。對付蘇聯(lián)早期的穿甲彈也不是沒有機會。如果安裝反應2爆炸反應裝甲, 3BM42也不能保證100%擊穿。于M829,那玩意當時還不存在于


Then there is protection. The protective performance of composite armor can be found on the Internet, and it can be immune to all 105mm armor piercing projectiles at that time. Dealing with early Soviet armor piercing shells is not without opportunities. If reaction 2 explosive reaction armor is installed, 3BM42 cannot guarantee 100% breakdown. As for M829, that thing did not exist around China at that time. picture

的數(shù)量有限,主要裝備在新疆軍區(qū)和坦克6師。蘇聯(lián)玩蛋之后,主要面對的就是印度的T72。88A裝備的94式線膛炮使用83式105穿甲彈大穿深能達到500毫米等效。這個威力足以擊穿印度裝備的T72。而T72AV雖然披掛了一層反應裝甲,但是接觸1對穿甲彈時無效的。這玩意面對88A也得跪。    圖片

The quantity is limited and mainly equipped in the Xinjiang Military Region and Tank 6th Division. After the Soviet Union played with eggs, they mainly faced India's T72. The Type 94 rifled gun equipped with 88A can achieve a maximum penetration depth of 500 millimeters using the Type 83 105 armor piercing bullet. This power is enough to penetrate the T72 of Indian equipment. Although the T72AV is equipped with a layer of reactive armor, it is ineffective when in contact with a pair of armor piercing shells. This thing has to kneel in front of 88A. picture


The main armor piercing bullet used by the T72 equipped in India is the 3BM42 Mango Armor Piercing Bullet, which has a penetration depth of approximately 450 millimeters. The protective performance of 88A is unknown. According to the Internet, the first protection is about 380. The turret is made of pure steel armor, and its protection is estimated to be around 300. From the data, it can be seen that second-generation tanks like the 88 cannot defend against Mango, as Mango was an excellent armor piercing projectile in the 1980s. But the body of the 88 can fully use FY2 explosive reaction armor. The testing standard for FY2 is to reduce the armor penetration efficiency of the 105 full tungsten core armor piercing projectile by 30%. Mango's bullet core is a steel sleeve bullet, and its performance is probably not as good as the 105 armor piercing bullet (this is what I guessed). After adding FY2, the 88's body can withstand Mango. But there's basically no other way to deal with turrets. In terms of firepower, the two can basically destroy each other.


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