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發(fā)布時間:2024-09-21 來源:http://m.zaiguo.cn/


  In a peaceful farmland in Shandong Province, a breathtaking scene appeared before everyone - a grand passenger plane stood quietly among them.01


  When you first witness this plane, you may mistakenly think it is the Airbus A320 commonly seen at airports.


  However, upon closer observation, one will discover an astonishing fact: this' airplane 'is actually a finely crafted model at a 1:1 scale.


  Surprisingly, it was a masterpiece completed by six ordinary villagers over a period of three years. This project began in 2016.


  These six villagers from Tieling, Liaoning, have taken on a seemingly impossible task - to personally replicate a real Airbus A320. They lack professional aviation knowledge and high-end production tools, relying solely on their love for airplanes and indomitable spirit. Their few hammers and welding machines have become their "treasures". Nevertheless, their beliefs have not wavered. In this process, they used over 40 tons of steel and invested 2.6 million yuan. Finally, in early 2019, this monumental work was presented to the world.


  The size of this' airplane 'is remarkable: it has a total length of 37.8 meters, a wingspan of 36 meters, and a height of 12 meters, comparable to a four story high-rise building. From a distance, its outline, wings, and tail wing are almost identical to a real A320 aircraft. Up close, even details such as landing gear, engine casing, and cabin doors are handled with extreme realism.


  The luxury level of the interior is even more breathtaking. As soon as you step into the cabin, you can see the neatly arranged high-end leather seats, and the soft lighting creates a comfortable atmosphere. The cockpit is equipped with a complete set of instrument panels and control levers, and even a simulated flight system. Standing in the driver's seat, gazing into the distance through the windshield, as if soaring through the clouds in the next second.


  This special project quickly became the focus, attracting countless tourists every day who hope to witness the charm of this' farmer's plane 'with their own eyes. After the visit, everyone couldn't help but sigh: this is not just a model, it's more like a superb piece of art! Even experts in the aviation industry speak highly of its craftsmanship.

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  This article is a friendly contribution from a large aircraft model. For more related knowledge, please click http://m.zaiguo.cn/ Sincere attitude. We provide you with comprehensive services. We will gradually contribute more relevant knowledge to everyone. Please stay tuned

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