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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2022-01-26 來(lái)源:http://m.zaiguo.cn/

In our daily life, we have seen many film and television works with military themes. We often see the commander of Liang Jun standing in front of a terrain model to study the operation scheme and display. In fact, this is the military sand table model. Generally, the military sand table model is based on the terrain map, aerial photos or field terrain of the operation area in a certain proportion, Made of sand, chess and other materials.
The exercise and Tactical Research of this model is very meaningful for actual combat operation. What aspects should we pay attention to when making military models?
1. Sand table landform production.
The sand table simulates the landform in time to facilitate the commander to observe the layout. Therefore, the production of landform is very important. It is an important link in the production of military sand table. The production of sand table landform is to control the basic shape and contour line of landform, then spend the corresponding positions of various landforms on the sand table, and then insert a flag. The height of the flag is the proportion height of landform plus the thickness of sand and soil at the bottom, Then there is a sand table with more flags to truly restore the landform.
2. Making of sand table setting
The previous step is aimed at the landform. In this step, some facilities on the sand table are made in time, including houses, railways, bridges, trees and independent features. Roads and rural roads are represented by paper (cloth strips) with different widths, and forests are represented by twigs or green sawdust. In this step, it is mainly noted that the size of features should adapt to the horizontal scale, and the relationship and location requirements are correct
3. Sand table base production
When the Qianzhang building rises from the ground, the building production needs to build a good base, and the production is the same. The first thing we need is to place the sand box stably, and then let the sand like sand and soil, use tools to level and compress the sand and soil, and then mark the above edge, which represents different geomorphic facilities, etc.
4. Check
It is mainly to check whether the proportion of the military sand table is correct, whether the scale is marked, and the north-south direction of the sand table model. If there is a need for a coordinate network, a thin line can be used to make a coordinate network.
5. Tactical settings
The setting of military sand table tactics is to use objects to simulate our army and enemy army. The specific setting needs to be determined according to the tactics.
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