


熱門搜索:軍事模型 航天模型 飛機模型 坦克模型 變形金剛模型 鋼雕模型
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發(fā)布時間:2023-01-12 來源:http://m.zaiguo.cn/

The plane model has a beautiful appearance and is very complex to make. Want to make a good aircraft model, in addition to the strength of technology and mechanical equipment? What other needs are there? If you need a picture, please refer to the following large-scale aircraft model manufacturer for explanation.
It is not a good habit for the producer to start the model production without fully demonstrating the production drawings. It is easy to rework or waste materials. When making the conceptual draft, the model and drawing are both the means of auxiliary design. The drawing is the language of the designer. By drawing a large number of sketches, the designer can broaden his thinking and find the direction of design, while making the conceptual model can more clearly and intuitively express the content that cannot be expressed by two-dimensional drawings, which can make the design argumentation more sufficient.
When making the appearance simulation model or prototype model, the drawing is not only a sketch, but also the maker needs to draw and copy multiple views, local details and enlarged drawings. These drawings can be used to standardize the shape, size, composition relationship, etc. of the model. In order to ensure that the produced model fully conforms to the original idea of *, it is necessary to make sure that there are drawings to follow and drawings to participate in the production.
In addition, like a real product, a good model needs to emphasize details. In fact, there are many details of the model. For example:
One is reasonable size. One of the purposes of model making is to make the product better serve people. If the central size and functional components of a model are biased, the model will lose the livability to discuss the relationship between human settlements and will not serve people;
The second is the reasonable parting line. In the process of model making, many manufacturers have ignored the problem of parting line and think that it can be considered in the later structural design, but in fact, the impact of parting line on the appearance of the model cannot be ignored.
In order to make the model more realistic, the position of the parting line can be considered and expressed in the model production. The model maker needs to give up his personal preferences, focus on the product to be developed, and select materials that are both beautiful and can save development costs. Come to our website for more relevant content http://m.zaiguo.cn Ask!
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