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發(fā)布時間:2023-09-25 來源:http://m.zaiguo.cn/

Corn starch, also known as corn starch, commonly known as six grain flour, is a white, light yellow powder.
Corn is soaked in 0.3% sulfite and processed through crushing, screening, precipitation, drying, grinding, and other processes.
Common products contain a small amount of fat and protein, with strong moisture absorption, up to over 30%. Corn starch has important uses in many aspects.
Tableware is a biodegradable product made from corn starch and processed using new production technologies. It can self degrade under natural conditions, avoid environmental pollution, and save non reusable resources such as oil.
After testing by relevant testing departments, all hygiene and physicochemical indicators meet relevant standards, making it an ideal substitute for the widely used "disinfectant tableware" in the catering market. Corn starch based biodegradable tableware is a pollution-free product that has been advocated in the market and strongly supported by domestic policies to ensure people's survival and environmental protection.
Advantages of disposable corn starch tableware:
Good quality: This corn starch tableware has good sealing, water resistance, oil resistance, and permeability resistance. At the same time, it has good high-temperature and low-temperature resistance performance. Suitable for freezing, refrigeration, refrigerator preservation, microwave heating, etc.
No pollution: Made from environmentally friendly materials such as corn starch, it does not contain harmful substances to people and can be used safely for a long time. This product is buried in the soil and can be degraded into carbon dioxide and water after 90 days at suitable temperatures, without polluting the soil and air.
Resource conservation: Corn starch is an inexhaustible and renewable resource. Paper and plastic tableware require a large amount of wood and petrochemical products. Disposable corn starch tableware made from corn starch can save a lot of oil and forest resources.
The above is the content introduced by the manufacturer of disposable environmentally friendly tableware. Thank you for taking the time to check our company's information and content https://www.qiluxinke.com If you want to learn more, welcome to call for consultation!
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